We Want Your FeedbackWe are surveying our members to provide feedback on many aspects of our operations both on and off the court. This will help shape our...
Pirates Seek EOI's For Sub-CommitteesThe Pirates are looking for expressions of interest from people who would like to make a difference at our association by joining one of...
Newlee Appointed NBL1 Women's Head Coach 2024The South West Metro Pirates are excited to welcome Jon Newlee as our NBL1 Women’s Head Coach for the 2024 season. With an illustrious...
Pirates welcome Chris Angus as CEOThe South West Metro Pirates are pleased to welcome our new CEO – Chris Angus to The Ship. “The Management Committee are thrilled to have...
Farewell and Thank You Jenny LemonThis week we say goodbye to one of our longest serving club-people and treasured Life Member, Jenny Lemon, who will soon be making the...
Brendan Teys back for another NBL1 SeasonThe Pirates are excited to welcome back to our MMG Men's NBL1 Team for 2023, Brendan Teys. Teysey was last years Pirates MVP averaging 19...
Rocci Joins the PiratesThe South West Metro Pirates are very excited to welcome Maddison Rocci to our MMG NBL1 Women's team for the 2023 season. Maddy played...
Tuesday Nights Women's Social registrations openGet the girls together ! Our Tuesday Night Women's Social Competition registrations are NOW OPEN!! It all starts 31st Jan 2023. The first...